Only registered users can see other people's profiles. Registering is free and easy. Just fill in the fields below.
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Are you looking for someone to share a room with you or instead have your own rooms in a shared house?
Tell us the area you want to live in. If you want a housemate for a place you have already found, enter the address of that place here.
Do you smoke?
If you want to be called by a potential roommate, enter your phone number - if you leave this empty other users can still contact you, but only via this website.
Answer No, if you dont want to live with someone who smokes.
Are you renting with your spouse?
How would you best your attitude? By ‘liberal’ we mean tolerant of the choices of others. By ‘conservative’ we mean intolerant of non-traditional choices. For example, if you would be okay living with someone who thinks there is nothing wrong with ‘partners’ before marriage or homosexuality, you should select ‘liberal’.
Will you have overnight visitors?
Enter the maximum you are willing to spend per month (IDR).
Do you have a room already? If you have a room already and are looking for someone to move in - you can provide more details (description, photos etc.) after you register.
Monthly IDR 000s
Will the bedroom be shared?
Enter your facebook ID e.g. TaylorSwift if you want to let potential roommates see your profile. Do not enter the full URL.
Enter your Instagram account name e.g. taylorswift if you want to let potential roommates see your profile.
Enter your Twitter username e.g. taylorswift13 if you want potential roommates to be able to see your account.
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