Share house and find housemate with Rina
Property rental price has been increased significantly year by year, especially in a big city like Jakarta. A standard room may cost for IDR 2 million a month, while the average of working salary in Jakarta is only IDR 4.5 million. It is crazy how the room costs very high, then sharing a room with a group of people might be the best idea to reduce the living cost. By sharing the room, we can share the bills with other people. For example, a room that cost IDR 2 million per month including water and electricity will be shared to two people, then one person only has to pay for IDR 1 million a month, it’s quite cheap isn’t it?
Now, Serumah Team wants to interview a friend who has been renting out her room for years in order to share the bill. Her name is Rina! Let’s ask her.
Hi, would you introduce yourself to us? What do you do?
Hi, you can call me Rina. I am now in my 20s and I’m a graphic designer, working full time in Jakarta. Just like regular people, I work from 8 am to 5 pm.
How long you have been renting out your room?
It has been for 2-3 years already. Within that time, I have 3 roommates with the length of stay is 1 year. Most of them moved out because they have to work out of town. I still have a vacant room in my house for one person now.
Wow, that’s amazing would you tell us about your room that you advertised on our website?
It’s a fully-furnished and clean room for everyone to enjoy especially for working woman. I live with my parents and my sisters, we only accept female in our house.
Would you tell us on what do you seek for a housemate? Would it be anyone? Or just the people you have known before?
I am actually open for anyone. Mostly the range of female who were interested to rent my room is within 19 to 30 years old. We never had housemates with couple or child with them. My family is also open for anyone as long as they respect our rules and agree to pay the rental price on time.
Have you ever heard about serumah.com before? What do you think about it?
I never heard of it until a friend of mine suggested me to advertise in Serumah.com and I did. I personally think it’s a great platform for people to find their housemate and expand their network. I mean, you will have a great picture on how the room you want to rent out or rent in or just the housemate you expect to live with.
Nowadays, with the increased number of criminal phenomena in Jakarta, it is not hard to trust people, especially people that will live with us. By using Serumah.com I think, we can describe what kind of people we expect and what conditions we have in our house, so that only the selected people can move in. It’s very great feature. I love it!
Now, finally, would you recommend serumah.com to your friends and family?
Yes, it’s a unique platform. I have never heard a website that offers you to find housemate or roommates. I think it will be a very good advantage both for people who have extra room or people who are looking for room. I will share about it to my family and friends.
That was our nice conversation with Rina. You can check her profile and her advertisement on this link, https://serumah.com/properties/kamar-lengkap-dan-nyaman/ if you happen to look for a room in Rawamangun area, you can call her immediately.