Looking for a flat sharing in Jakarta? If you are expats or even Indonesian but your company relocate you to the capital, you definitely need a place you will call as a home during your stay in Jakarta. But, where to find the flat sharing if you still blind about the city, while you need proper preparation before flying to Jakarta? Now, this is the time to find out by doing small research. And here are some tips you can consider before choosing flat sharing.
Questions before searching
Actually, there are several questions you have to answer before you start searching the flat itself. The answer of each questions will help you find the right one. Firstly, where is your workplace, how many flatmates you wish, your social life ahead, and how much budget you able to pay monthly or annually.
Those questions are so important because you will live in Jakarta, the city of traffic jams. Location becomes very crucial and it should be close to your office or daily activities. Or, you will get pain every single day because of commuting. At the peak of traffics, especially when employees go to work and back home, you will need extra time to move on the road. What if you face this every day? Can you take it? Thus, considering location of flat sharing is a must.
However, Jakarta has low-class to high-class accommodations, such as hot water, gym, security, Air Conditioner, swimming pool, internet, tennis court, wi-fi, room-service, and many more. All you need is money to afford your life if you wish a pleasant flat sharing. Although the facilities of flat have been mushrooming in any part of Jakarta, but the center of expats areas still exist in several spots.
Where to stay?
Now, you have answer of those questions above. Next, you can start searching the location. Jakarta itself has enclaves of flat sharing with strategic location, either for expats or local. In Central Jakarta, most of popular flat sharing are located in Mentang, The Golden Triangle, and Kuningan. In South Jakarta, you can find them in Kebayoran Baru, Permata Hijau, Pondok Indah, Kemang, Cilandak, and Pasar Minggu. Meanwhile, in East Jakarta you can find flat sharing in Kelapa Gading, Bintaro, Bumi Serpong Damai, dan Lippo Kawaraci.
Flat sharing around The Golden Triangles (Rasuna Said Street, Gatot Subroto Street, and Sudirman Street) are also popular places to be chosen by expatriates. As one of convenient location, these areas offer you attractive accommodations and close to mayor office buildings. These points really profitable because accessible from anywhere.
Finding flat sharing in CBD areas can be done easily as well. Indeed, you still have to commuting but the charge of rent is still affordable. Jakarta Residence is located in Central Jakarta and suitable for you who work around Menara Thamrin. Close to Grand Indonesia, Plaza Indonesia and you will be surrounded by complete facilities. So does Thamrin Residence. The location is next to Jakarta Residence with better accommodations.
Now, is your office situated along Gatot Subroto Street? Taman Rasuna complex is one of list you can consider. Living here, you still can go to the south easily. Taman Rasuna itself offers you affordable prices, spacious room, comfortable facilities, close to Pasar Senen, shopping center, cafes, mall, and bars. Similar accommodations are owned by Mediterania Apartment and Residences Allson as well.
Other popular flat sharing is located in Menteng. There, you will meet beautiful mansions and apartments, friendly neighborhood, and fresh air. However, the charge of rent is more expensive than other places because you will live in the business district. The infrastructure and atmosphere around Menteng is old but it closes to Menteng Plaza, Sarinah, and Plaza Indonesia. Thus, your shopping habit will not be disturbed by traffic jams too much.
Meanwhile, if your workplace is located in South Jakarta, you can consider flat sharing in Kemang. Unluckily, having flat in Kemang means you own deep pocket because the cost of rent continue to rise. The good news is you will live in the core of expats in Jakarta and easy to find anything. Convenient living is what you can get in Kemang, plus strategic location. There, you can consider Kintamani Apartment, Brawijaya, Marbela Kemang, and Kemang Village.
Living in Kemang, you do not need commuting too much because along the street, you can find cafes, bars, yoga studio, shopping areas, garden, and restaurants from Thai, Japanese, Korean, Indian, Italian, French, Arabian and Indonesian culinary. The atmosphere in Kemang area is comfortable and exclusive. No doubt if you desire to get one place there, you have to grab more cash.
East Jakarta can be considered when you need friendly budget. Yes, Jakarta has flat sharing for budget as well. The charge of rent will not shock you too much just like in other areas. Indeed, mostly expats who live in East Jakarta looking for cheaper rent. For transportation, you can take public transportation or even motorcycle.
Expatriates who work in the industrial and commercial estate field, especially in Cikarang, Bekasi, and Cileungsi can consider Kelapa Gading because this area is easily accessible to the city. It takes around 1 – 2 hours to The Golden Triangles. Meanwhile, for those who work for factories and industrial estate around Cilegon, Lippo Kawaraci is favorited for comfortable flat sharing.
Flatmates, where are you?

Share rent room bills with roommate
Searching a flat which is close to your office is done but you may find the cost of rent is too expensive. In order to solve this problem, you do not have any other ways except looking for flatmates. And you know very well that finding them is a bit challenging. The easiest way for this goal is by participating to the forum of expatriates in Jakarta. There, you will get advantages information. If you are lucky, you will find new friends who may offer you a room. First, meeting up and hangout together in the cafe, then discuss about the flat sharing.
Generally, there are three types of flat sharing, i.e, non-serviced and unfurnished, non-serviced and furnished, and the last is serviced and furnished which is most expensive among them. Choosing the types of flat will be depend on your need and budget. Observing the flat sharing before making decision is important thing. You will know whether the room is spacious or too small for you. If you like it, you can take it.
After you make decision, next you have to think about paying. Although the cost of flat sharing has been rising, you can share it with your flatmates. The average cost of rent for two-bedrooms is around US$3,000 to US$5,000 per month for 75 to 150 square meters and three-bedrooms cost from US3,000 to US$6,000 per month for 100 to 200 square meters.
However, in many places the cost can be cheaper or even more expensive depend on location and household furnishings. Commonly, the landlords will propose the whole contract period and you have to pay two years up front. But do not worry, you still can negotiate to pay of rent yearly basis.